Business UNusual: Procurement Update

Laptop Stock Available to PC Corp Clients

At PC Corp, our new day to day mantra is, “It is Business UNusual.” As we continue to follow the directives and recommendations of officials regarding social distancing and self-isolation, we are working with many of our clients in areas such as remote communications, collaboration tools, and “work from home” policies.

Prior to the COVID-19 health crisis, we were already experiencing supply issues with end-point devices. Their availability has worsened with factory shutdowns and other supply chain issues in COVID-19 affected areas. Pricing is also being affected due to the current low supply and the increased demand for these devices.

PC Corp is working daily with distribution and one of our key partners, Lenovo, to secure stock of Business Class laptops in order to meet the emergency demand for remote workforces. As these units arrive, they will be made available to those clients who need to provide a work device to their staff who have transitioned to working from home.

We will be receiving these laptops as supply permits. If your organization requires further information regarding the devices and their availability, please contact your PC Corp Account Manager or email: Please note that devices are limited in quantity and are being reserved for PC Corp clients only.

From all of us at PC Corp,

Stay Safe. Be Well.


Communications will keep coming as we all continue to work Business UNusual.

  • How we can help assist your team work remotely.
  • Virtual learning and training opportunities.

If you have questions about this or other communications, please ensure to contact us: | Edmonton: 780.428.3000 | Calgary: 403.266.3000 |


How have we changed the way we work to protect the health of our staff and clients? Read COVID-19: Business UNusual

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