(2 Ways) How To Lock Your Computer

81% of office employees have access to documents containing sensitive workplace information  An unlocked computer could allow a data thief to access to everything from financials, security codes, or intellectual property.  And from your computer, the ability to modify, remove and share that information.

How can this be avoided?

Taking steps to secure your computer not only keeps the data on the computer safe, it keeps all data stored and shared over your company’s network safe. Our advice is simple and easy.  Get into the habit of locking your computer.

Manually lock your computer every time you step away from your desk.

Press your Window key + L

If you don’t have a Windows key.  Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, then press Enter

Secondly, most operating systems allow you to establish a setting that will automatically lock your desktop after the computer is inactive for a certain amount of time. Take advantage of this setting to ensure that your computer will lock, even if you forget.


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